viernes, 12 de diciembre de 2008

Entrega de "eLearning Awards 2008" de la European Schoolnet en Roma el 4 de diciembre de 2008

Turkish school wins 2008 eLearning Awards in Rome

“EuroPoems”, a project submitted to the 2008 edition of the eLearning Awards by Elif Kara, a Turkish teacher from Hisar Egitim Vakfi Okullari located in Kemerburgaz near Istanbul, won the Young Digital Planet Award for outstanding teachers-First prize at the Award Ceremony in Rome on 4 December 2008. Piotr Mroz, Executive Director from Young Digital Planet awarded the teacher with a crystal trophy, a cheque for € 3,000 and an interactive whiteboard set for her school.

Miguel Roa Guzmán, a Spanish teacher from I.E.S. San Juan de Dios won the Interwrite Learning Award for outstanding teachers-Second prize, for his project "10 x 10 x 10".

Eight schools were awarded in the 2008 eLearning Awards. The other six prizes awarded at the ceremony were:

Promethean Award for the e-Mature School Karin Ernst (Germany) from LIFE e.V. - Projekt eXplorarium for ‘eLearning in der Ganztagsschule erkunden’.

Intel Award for Technology Joze Štrucl (Slovenia) from SERŠ Maribor for ‘Digi DT’

SMART Award for Mathematics and Science Athanasios Tsagatakis (Greece) from 2nd Junior High School of Zefyri for ‘Reduce - Reuse – Recycle’

Cisco Award for Collaborative Learning Giuseppina De Petro (Italy) from Liceo Scientifico Statale Galeazzo Alessi, for ‘Twinagers news’ (in collaboration with French school, Lycée Jean Lurçat)

Microsoft Award for eLiteracy Monica Hulea (Romania) from Grup Şcolar “VASILE SAV” for ‘The paradox of choice’.

Telefonica O2 award for Cultural Expression Fredrik Olsson from Vindängen school for ‘Make film and share IT with friends 2.0!’

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